
Workspace Wisdom Webinar - Reforms to Employment Laws in the Workplace


Środa, 29 stycznia 2025


11:00 Europe/London

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Join Lauren Harkin, Partner at FlexSA Service Provider Member RWK Goodman, for our first Workspace Wisdom Webinar of the year.  

 Under the new Government, significant reforms to UK employment laws are planned.  There has already been a focus on preventing sexual harassment in the workplace, and since October 2024, employers have had a proactive legal duty in this area.  In this webinar, Lauren will discuss these changes in detail.

 ·         An overview of the law relating to discrimination and harassment

·         What has changed – the new proactive duty and protecting employees from third party harassment

·         What the consequences of non-compliance are

·         How can employers ensure they comply with the new duty

·         The recent employment law changes and planned reforms under the Employment Rights Bill.